If you run an SME business, it goes without saying that making the most of the UK government’s tax credits and grants scheme for research and development is well worth considering.

However, the thing is - millions of SMEs in the country don’t realise they qualify for valuable R&D tax incentives.

R&D tax credits claims- Get in touch

R&D tax relief can be claimed by companies that have incurred expenditure on qualifying activities relevant to the company’s trade. The R&D tax relief scheme is designed to encourage UK SMEs to undertake development work on new technologies that substantially improve their products, processes, and devices.

The requirements are purposefully broad. Regardless of your business size or industry niche, if you’re investing time and effort into “resolving technological or scientific uncertainties,” you may be eligible. Moreover, R&D doesn’t have to be a successful outcome to qualify.

R&D tax credits accountants

At Birdfynn Accountants, we deeply understand what counts as a qualifying expenditure, including what a compliant claim might look like! We first ask you specific questions about whether you undertook a particular project and identify areas of eligibility. Given the importance of this step, it may require us to follow up with you multiple times until we’re sure of the information gathered.

After that, we do the calculations and prepare the claim, which is then submitted to HMRC. We’re rather experienced in helping you negotiate your claim with HMRC to ensure it’s successful. R&D tax credits relief represents an additional corporation tax reduction of 25% of the expenditure incurred, which can be reinvested in your business. SMEs can receive cash back of up to 33% of R&D eligible costs. Work with our R&D tax credits accountants today!

R&D tax credits services

Scope of our services for
claiming R&D tax credits

If you’re an SME, our dedicated and reliable R&D tax credits team will help you identify how you can benefit from the scheme and guide you on submitting your file with HMRC. Here’s what our scope of R&D tax credit services includes:

Who we help

Although we serve anyone who needs our help in accounting,
tax advisory, financial support, and startup planning, we primarily cater to the following:

Why choose
Birdfynn Accountants

Our level of service is unparalleled in the industry. There are five reasons for that:


We’re 100% committed to you and your business and building a long-term relationship based on mutual trust and support.


We go the extra mile to develop solutions (no one’s ever thought of) that help you save more tax or make more profit in the long run.


Our people-first environment fosters loyalty and job satisfaction from a team committed to fulfilling your needs and minimising hassle.

Out-of-the-box thinking
Out-of-the-box thinking

We approach accounting in a fresh and down-to-earth way. We pride ourselves on creative problem-solving skills and a transparent way of working.


You’ll always have access to various services designed to enhance your financial operations and/or improve your business or personal wealth.

Client's Testimonial

Proof from long-standing clients who appreciate our professional yet personal approach

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

One of the biggest advantages of the R&D tax credit is that you can claim back a portion of the money you invested in “innovation,” which refers to building or enhancing processes, products, or devices. R&D tax credits relief represents an additional corporation tax reduction of 25% of the expenditure incurred, which can be reinvested in your business or be put back in your pocket. Read more about the R&D tax relief

If you don’t keep your books tidy, they will not show you a clear picture of your company’s financial visibility. And without accurate records, it can be challenging for you to track cash flow projections, prepare and file tax returns, and plan for your company's future. Bookkeeping is the lifeline of your business. Never take it lightly.

Do you need help in claiming
your R&D tax credits in the UK?

You’ve come to the right place! Let's explore how working with Birdfynn Accountants can be a big win for you personally. We’d love to learn more about what you want to accomplish—and—why.

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