Inheritance tax affects many people, and it is an area of tax
planning that requires constant monitoring.

Even if you have made an inheritance tax plan, you must ensure it remains up-to-date and
compliant and utilises all available reliefs that frequently change.

inheritance tax planning services-Get in touch

Inheritance tax can also affect other areas of taxation, including family wealth, property, and trusts.

Luckily, our brilliant inheritance tax accountants can help you with planning either as a part of an overall tax planning strategy or to simply decide how you wish to pass on your wealth to the people who matter in your life and who can make the most of your assets and property.

inheritance tax planning and advisory services-Get in touch

Inheritance, in general, must be handled delicately, and our team is professional, reliable, and humane when it comes to planning for it.

Our holistic approach to inheritance tax planning will ensure all areas are considered, and all-inclusive strategies are executed for your sake. Get in touch with us today!

inheritance tax planning and advisory services

Scope of our inheritance tax
planning services

It’s never too late to take inheritance tax planning advice from someone like us. Our inheritance tax accountants are hands-on in planning and delivering the most appropriate solution. Here’s what our scope of work traditionally includes:

Who we help

Although we serve anyone who needs our help in accounting,
tax advisory, financial support, and startup planning, we primarily cater to the following:

Why choose
Birdfynn Accountants

Our level of service is unparalleled in the industry. There are five reasons for that:


We’re 100% committed to you and your business and building a long-term relationship based on mutual trust and support.


We go the extra mile to develop solutions (no one’s ever thought of) that help you save more tax or make more profit in the long run.


Our people-first environment fosters loyalty and job satisfaction from a team committed to fulfilling your needs and minimising hassle.

Out-of-the-box thinking
Out-of-the-box thinking

We approach accounting in a fresh and down-to-earth way. We pride ourselves on creative problem-solving skills and a transparent way of working.


You’ll always have access to various services designed to enhance your financial operations and/or improve your business or personal wealth.

Client's Testimonial

Proof from long-standing clients who appreciate our professional yet personal approach

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Inheritance tax is a tax charge, typically 40%, on any part of your estate exceeding your personal allowance (also called the nil rate band) which currently (11/2022) stands at £325,000 per person.

You can’t avoid paying inheritance tax in the UK! Even though inheritance tax planning is complicated and overwhelming, you can take the help of professional inheritance tax accountants such as Birdfynn Accountants and implement tax-efficient measures as early as possible and calculate all exemptions and allowances.

Struggling with your
inheritance tax planning?

Fret not! Let's explore how working with Birdfynn Accountants can be a big win for you. We’d love to learn more about what you want to accomplish—and why—with our inheritance tax planning services.

Contact us for all type of accounting needs